Thursday 25 September 2008

What the HEY HEY HEY!

This band are NME's cover stars this week. Liking an NME cover star is a strange feeling...

In saying that, he is an awfy bonnie looking lad, though, no?

Fuglys - the new handsomers


Truman Data said...

ah dude thats amusing, the picture changes each week, so you like always dig the nme coverstars. for reals

Pete said...

This is brilliant. If we just keep on putting up this link, a few superlatives and the word "neon" every week, we could totally stay ahead of the kidzzz and tune in to the youthgeist! then we could spend our millions of pounds of advertising revenue on cocaine and also possibly something to fill the roaring blackness lurking behind every thought, screaming for death and making our meagre accomplishments meaningless.

...that went to a dark place. on the other hand, i invented the word youthgeist!

Truman Data said...

I was just gonna post "Youthgeist" at the end of your post, but you beat me to it.

Man, you are on it.