Tuesday 30 September 2008

de salvo - mood poisoner

so was down at mono on sunday to see the spectacle that is de salvo's live show. It was everything i wanted and more. there was a man dressed as a butcher wielding a microphone like a cleaver while gyrating on the shoulders of those less enthusiastic members of the audience. not to mention the ungodly racket that they were making, it was wonderful. here is a sample,cock swastika, as quite frankly feel like you should buy this one as they are local lads after all.


horatio the narwhal slayer said...

charles could you flip it the right way?

Truman Data said...

no, sorry. you need to like dowload it flip it in paint or some shit then reup.

Sky Valley said...

Charles is on the money, homeboy. De Salvo are ace. Jeans Team this Saturday will shit on them, though

Brutality or gay leather-bound German electro? We all know what the answer will be this end...

fearless tall dude killer said...

I really love how conetoaster is now the number one spot on the internet for homoerotic noise. good work, guys!

Truman Data said...

haha, yeah - when did this happen? right I'm off to find something non-gay to break the trend...